Thanks for visiting my site, I’m a full-time artist based in south west of England.
While I'm crazily painting away in my studio it can be easy to forget not everyone paints and draws, experiments and flings colour about like it's their job (because, let's face it, it's mine).
Taking time to understand the deeper meaning of things-the hidden layers- can be tricky, but worthwhile. This is a crucial step for me as I work-I need to understand what I'm trying to convey.
Even if the viewer doesn't recognise the subject of a painting (i.e. in an abstract) they feel the emotion, subliminially sense the balance, the contrast and feel a connection. It's one reason why my paintings have many, many layers-metaphorically and physically!
Even small 10cm paintings have over 20 layers of paint, been photographed in black and white to check contrast and tone, will have taken weeks and definitely will have been stared at from varying angles for hours. All part of the process...turns out literally watching paint dry can be productive and fun.I'm often asked how long a painting takes. It can be difficult to quantify. Physically hours or days, but the vacant staring into space while a movie is on the tv or waking up at 3am to consider a new colour are diffcult to log. I love it all!
Briefly;Why I'm sending out The Ripple Effect. I know you're creative or love creativity, so I'd like to create a ripple effect with you. I'll be sending The Ripple Effect more frequently than in the past and look forward to your response.
with love,Gaynor xx